When we think of getting healthy and staying fit generally I believe our minds dwell on exercise and nutrition. Often, there are those of us who cannot exercise vigorously for various reasons of health conditions, weight or age. I had a chiropractor who I greatly respected and loved (he fixed my back aches!) who told…
Stretching – Introduction and Basic Tips
Stretching is one of the most important tools for maintaining optimal health and fitness. Stretching is essential for maintaining flexibility and helps prevent muscle stiffness, tightness, pain, and injuries. When muscles are not stretched on a regular basis they become tighter, shorter, and ultimately decrease in range of motion. If stretching is not used to…
Best Stretches Before You Work Out
Static Stretches before a workout are not ideal for before your workout. They are compared to trying to stretch a brand new piece of gum, they rip. The gum that’s wet and chewed will stretch a lot more than its counter part. So active stretching before a work out is ideal. The top 5 active…
Why Running is the Perfect Health Exercise
Most people start running to lose those few extra pounds, or to maintain that ideal body weight. Running soon becomes their exercise of choice for physical fitness. Running requires a lot of energy from the body. Using the large leg muscles, as well as virtually every other muscle in the body, running burns more calories…
Fitness Running – Safety Tips For Training at Night
For people running in the dark may be the only time when they are free to train. There can be many reasons for this that includes avoiding the heat during the day, their work schedule or family commitments. There are many advantages of running after dark. The obvious one is there will be less traffic…
Fitness Running – Great Way to Improve Your Motivation to Train
Are you beginning to wake up in the morning dreading your training run? Do not worry, because you are not alone. We all go through this stage at sometime in our training and it is only natural. It feels that those days where we could not wait to get out of our beds and start…
Fitness Running – Great Workout to Improve Your Racing Strength
When you are doing your weekly training sessions it is a good idea to include strength training into your training program. This means you do not have to lift weight but it does mean you can add a few strength exercises. One great exercise to build strength is circuit training. Circuits are simple to do…
Easy Fitness – Running
Many people have tried running, and many people have hated it. The roots of this displeasure can be traced to the running boom of the 1970’s, when running proponents, caught up in a near orgiastic buzz, loudly pronounced that the best approach to running was longer, faster, and harder, and they did exactly that –…
Cardio Fitness Will Help You Live Longer
Cardio fitness, also known as cardio respiratory endurance, is a vital part of every exercise routine, which is geared towards enhancing an individual’s health and well-being. Improved cardiovascular fitness aids in enhancing muscular endurance and allows the body to sustain various activities for certain duration of time by providing oxygen-rich blood to the lungs, heart…
The Benefits of Cardio Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise is important as it gets the body moving and the heart pumping blood around it for a healthier and more active body. Often it is associated with weight loss, which it can certainly help with but it is also a vital component of a simply being healthy and keeping fit. Cardio is also…