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Fitness Running – Great Way to Improve Your Motivation to Train

Are you beginning to wake up in the morning dreading your training run? Do not worry, because you are not alone. We all go through this stage at sometime in our training and it is only natural. It feels that those days where we could not wait to get out of our beds and start pounding the roads is all but a distant memory. These feelings of dread can be commonly linked to boredom.

After the initial enthusiasm and excitement ebbs you need to keep changing and developing to keep things fresh. Routines and rituals are very helpful and necessary however, when they are too rigid they can become counterproductive.

This can happen if we keep doing the same old exercise routines over and over again. Running the same route or focusing only one aspect of training can turn you into a robot. When boredom begins to set that is a signal that something needs to change.

Two of the most common aspects about your training that can cause boredom is running the same route. If you are getting bored of the same route then change it. Even better, identify a number of other routes so that you have a menu of routes to choose from. In this way you can plan your weekly training runs by selecting a different route every other day.

Running on your own can be lonely sometimes. Therefore, if you know of someone or if you have a friend that runs you can arrange a day that you can run together. If you have a dog you can take it out for runs. Dogs love the freedom of running and this enjoyment is contagious which will renew your enjoyment back into your running again. If you take your dog out for a run make sure that you gradually build ups its strength and endurance.

Another way that you can keep boredom at bay is by setting one day a week as a treat that you can look forward to. This is a day that you take a complete break from your running routine and do something that you enjoy such as going for a massage or spending quality time with your family. What this does is give you something to look forward to and will help to motivate you during the week. After your day off you will feel renewed and refreshed and you will have a whole new perspective on your training.