24 hours in a day. 60 minutes in an hour. 1440 minutes a day. This couch potato burns a minimum of 1584 calories a day. Probably more like…1728, since I don’t spend all day in bed…

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Calorie Reducing Exercises
It seems that everyone is after losing weight these days to achieve a fat-free body. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body results in various health problems. Today, a large mass is after achieving a healthy…
Workouts That Have The Most Calorie Burn
When looking for a workout programme that will result in burning the most calories in the least amount of time, we should opt for high intensity and high speed cardio workouts. Below are a few examples…
Best Exercises For Calories Burning Fast
We all talk about exercising and by doing the exercise we all talk about the advantages of it at the same time. We talk about calories burning and what not and in the middle of it…
Add Bodyweight Exercises To Your Workouts
There’s nothing more pure than bodyweight exercises. The feeling of controlling your body during push ups, pull ups and squats is amazing once you master these exercises. These movements never fail to give a good workout….
Bodyweight Exercise – An Excellent Alternative
Everyday inventors, scientists, etc. develop new devices and technologies aimed at making life a bit easier than it was for our ancestors. As a result, our society has become quite lazy and lackluster. Consequently, our society…
How to Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises
The most common mistake made by people who endeavour to build muscle with bodyweight exercises today is they fail to follow the principles of muscle growth and instead perform high repetition sets of simple exercises. For…
Five Tips for Getting the Most from Your Bodyweight Exercise Workout
Bodyweight exercises are designed so that you can use your own “body weight” to provide the tension and resistance normally associated with weight training equipment. However, bodyweight exercise is different from traditional weight training in that…
Bodyweight Exercises – Misconceptions and Mistakes
Bodyweight training has been a popular form of exercise for decades, especially when it comes to group exercise classes and workout videos. It can certainly be an effective form of exercise, but bodyweight training programs are…
Leg Strength Exercises – 7 Exercises For Adding Massive Muscle
When I first started out training in the gym I spent most of my time on my upper body. Like most people I thought that was all that mattered. Soon after I realized my mistake. In…