Seafood is one of the best sources of proteins and omega oil, making it a winner when it comes to nutrition. This dish is easy to prepare and is excellent for parties and entertainment. Ingredients 400…

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Healthy Chicken and Wild Rice Salad Recipe
Healthy Eating Healthy eating means different things to different people. It can range from low fat to complex carbohydrates and high fiber. A great rule of thumb is to eat a wide variety of UNPROCESSED foods….
Green Papaya Salad Recipe
The most popular salad of Thailand and Laos is the Green Papaya salad. On the first bite, your tongue should taste extreme heat, salt, and sour all at once. The taste is invigorating! Ingredients: 1-4 chilies…
The Steak of Seafood Dinner Recipes
When it comes to seafood, every type of fish is different. Alaska halibut stands out in a unique way. It is considered the steak of seafood thanks to its status as the finest whitefish out there….
Preparing Fish Curry – Dinner Recipe
It is best to learn how to cook fish curry the right way if you are to enjoy the meal. To cook fish, you’ll need fish such as catfish – 1 lb should go for two…
Oven Toaster Chimichangas – A Quick Dinner Recipe
How about an oven toaster chimichanga for your next dinner? Here’s an easy chimichanga recipe you could try. Preparation and Cook time for this toaster oven chimichanga recipe: 17 minutes Level of difficulty: easy This recipe…
Beef Chili Recipe – Easy Dinner Recipes
This beef chili recipe is delicious – even my finicky son loves it. I put in extra vegetables to make it healthier. It can easily be made with ground chicken or turkey instead of ground beef….
Picnic at the Beach – Easy Dinner Recipes and Dinner Ideas For Family Fun
What could be better than a picnic at the beach for a family dinner outing? Sand in your toes, the roar of the ocean a walk on the beach, and a roaring fire to gather around….
School Lunch Ideas – Creative Ways to Boost Nutritional Value
Do you struggle to find the right balance between packing a nutritious school lunch for your child and one that will actually be eaten? Packing nutritious foods can be a challenge especially if your child is…
Healthy Lunch Ideas – The Easiest and Quickest Way To Burn That Stubborn Fat For Good!
Looking for healthy lunch ideas? If you are in your workstation at its already 12 noon, then the first thing that comes into your mind would be to go to a nearby restaurant, such as McDonalds…