Muscles and connective tissues shorten over time and that results in less flexibility. If your muscles have gone some time without being used, they tend to become weaker and quite stiff. The risk of injury is greatly increased when you start to use those muscles suddenly. If you are doing regular stretching exercises to lengthen…
Lower Back Stretching Exercises
If bodies are considered as machines, the majority of the muscles will be equivalent to the lever systems that push, pull, and rotate the other parts of the machine. The muscles, especially those that are found around the arms, legs, and trunks, pull the bones and make body movement possible. When muscles become weak, moving…
Hamstring Stretch Exercise
One of the easiest, powerful and effective stretching exercises that you can do at home is the hamstring stretch exercise. This training increases your leg flexibility and will help in the running exercises because it will make you run the same distance in shorter time. The total amount time required for this training is ten…
Flexibility – Stretches and Stretching Exercises for Fitness Flexibility
Stretching exercises for improving flexibility is one of the most overlooked and underestimated parameters of health and fitness. The right stretches and stretching exercises can improve flexibility almost immediately, resulting in reduced aches & pains and increased energy. Chronic lower back stiffness, lack of energy and limited range of motion. These are conditions that affect…
Natural Treatment For Stress – Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises are the preparatory phase you put your body through before attempting any type of exercise. These exercises loosen up your muscles and prepare them for the workout that follows. Doing exercise without stretching exercises would most often than not, risk muscle sprains and cramps. Stretching exercises are done after workouts too so the…
Why You Need to Stretch and Improve Your Flexibility
Most of today’s society is plagued with muscular imbalances due to repetitive patterns of movement which place undue stress on the body. That includes sitting or standing for long periods, and repeating the same movements overtime. Muscular imbalance are a result of poor movement of the joints, inappropriate muscles taking over the function of the…
Stretching – Important For Your Workout, Exercise and Health
Nothing feels better than a great workout where you gave it your all. You are exhausted and it’s time to refuel your body and eat or have a protein shake. Uh oh but wait! Something does feel even better and takes up very little time. That little slice of heaven comes from the brief stretching…
You Need to Know The Basics of Stretching
Taking the time to stretch at the end of every workout will give you the benefits of improved range of motion and recovery. After you have finished your conditioning and or cardiovascular activity, take a moment to relax your body and mind. When you are ready to stretch, get yourself into a comfortable position for…
Stretching For Fitness Exercises
Not many people understand the importance of stretching, we’re all told about it and a lot of people seem to do it in a half-hearted manner but the fact is stretching is important. Stretching has some great benefits including reducing muscle tension, signaling the muscles that they are going to be used, it increases the…
Stretching Exercises: Value And Importance That Fitness Experts Don’t Know About
Stretching exercises are believed to be a “must” in any fitness program. However, these are often neglected and not given that much time and attention. Little do we know that such simple exercises have a big importance to us and to our health! It’s true, and I’m just about to bear it out to you….