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Treadmill Workout – Maintain Perfect Form

It’s safe to assume that you have probably used a treadmill for a cardio workout. In fact, it is a very popular method for most individuals. A treadmill workout is a fun and easy way to achieve endurance and heart health, but ensuring that you have proper form is very important. Before you use your treadmill again, review these tips to make sure your form s tip top.

Tip #1

Before you do any sort of workout, it is important to have proper shoes, especially, if you are walking, jogging, and/or running. It is no different for a treadmill, and comfort and support are keys to good form and battling fatigue.

Tip #2

For your upper body form, your head should be straight ahead, neck relaxed and shoulders straight. If you hunch your shoulders, it will cause tension in your back and shoulders which will work against you. To assist in fighting tension, make sure you properly stretch before your workout.

Tip #3

Some think that holding their arms at their chest is the proper form for arms, yet it isn’t beneficial to the cardio workout. Bend your elbows to maintain a 90-degree angle. Always keep your hands loose as if you were holding a cup. Don’t keep them tight. Don’t cross you arms over your chest.

Tip #4

Sprinters need to lift their knees higher in order to get the most out of their legs, but with endurance running there isn’t a need. Simply lift your knee slightly with a quick leg turnover and a short stride. As for your feet, you shouldn’t be pounding the treadmill foundation. Focus on hitting the treadmill with your heel, roll, and then hit with your toe.

Tip #5

Breathing and relaxing is vital to any good cardio workout. Holding tension will work against you, and you will experience tight muscles and aches later on. You can prevent this by sticking with a good form.

Tip #6

You may be accustomed to talking on your cell phone or adjusting your iPod when walking or running on a treadmill. Don’t do it. Not only is it distracting and may cause you to fall, but it also affects your form. It can be very dangerous.

It is safe to say that in order to get the most out of your workout, good form is a must. To avoid serious injury, which may delay you from your workout, and to get the most out of your body during your workout, practicing the above tips is a smart idea. A treadmill is a great piece of equipment to get your body into shape, and help you relax and breathe properly.