The mysteries of cancer have eluded us for years. However, we are beginning to learn many pieces of valuable information about how to prevent many different kinds of cancer. And, of course, once we learn more about how to prevent the disease, we can better understand how to treat it, as well. Research is ongoing,…
What Are Some Tests For Prostate Cancer and How They Help
If you think you are at risk for developing prostate cancer or you think you may already have prostate cancer, there are several tests that you can take to confirm or deny your suspicions. The first test one usually goes through is what is called the PSA test. PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen and measures…
Treatments For Prostate Cancer
Thousands of people have already been battling their fight of cancer but families never get tired of looking for treatments for their loved ones. Treating cancer is a long shot especially when the cancer has already reached its serious stage. Every year, around 200,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States alone…
Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment
The majority of men will develop an enlarged prostate sometime in their lifetime. The symptoms include: difficulting in starting urination, weak flow of urination, need to urinate frequently. Men that suffer from these symptoms should seek medical advice to ensure that it only an enlarged prostate that is causing the problem, and not prostate cancer….
Simple Tips to Detecting Breast Cancer
Breast cancer has gradually become a menace that scares women no matter where they may be located. It has become so common that five out of fifty now has the disease. People everywhere have come up with various ways that for the early detection of this parasite that cause breast cancer. There have been documentaries,…
Nutrition Tips and More to Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer
September is a special month, not only for all of the fall lovers out there, but for those women who have suffered, are suffering, or know someone who is suffering from breast cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an entire month designated for the annual campaign to raise awareness for a disease that has…
Breast Cancer The Cure
You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Breast Cancer The Cure There is no known cure for breast cancer. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this…
Breast Cancer; Facts and Figures
It would not be surprising, therefore, that any ailment or condition that endangers the look, health and functionality of this vital body part would be a real source of worry to every lady. Breast cancer, despite all medical and technological advances, as been on the rise in the last 50 years or so. The figures…
Breast Cancer Screening Tests
How disturbing can it be for a woman to discover one day that she has a lump on her breast? This can bring out different reactions and probably unnecessary emotional strain. Even before proper laboratory tests, a woman with a lump on the breast may already entertain the frightening thoughts of having breast cancer. The…
General Health Care Tips
Each of us wants to live a long and happy life. A lot depends on a health state of a person. It is said not in vain that health is the greatest wealth. Not something else but namely good health state makes a person happy. Being healthy means being happy. Other life goals it is…