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Kettlebell Workout – The Complete Guide to Kettlebell Training

Kettlebells are a unique training implement originated in Russia. They look like a cannonball with a handle, and are currently used by many world class athletes to improve their speed, strength and endurance. However, many individuals with busy schedules and hectic jobs are purchasing Kettlebells as a way to get an effective workout in the…

Kettlebell Training Exercises – Tips to Help You Train With Kettlebells

Kettlebells are rounded exercise equipments that look like cannonballs but with a handle. One good thing about having these equipments for your exercise is that they do not only tone, strengthen and condition your muscles, they can also help develop your cardiovascular health and improve your endurance as well. In fact, choosing the right kettlebell…

Calories Burned Jogging – How Many Calories From Body Fat Are Burned Jogging Per Mile?

The amount of Calorie burned during jogging is enormous. It is one of the best cardio workouts for maintaining your entire health. Jogging, per mile, burns around 105 calories. There are lots of other benefits of this exercise. Most people think that jogging can only help their body to loose weight. This cardio workout also…

Calorie Burning – Burn More Calories With Exercises That Will Boost the Metabolism

In losing weight, the key principle you need to understand is that you should consume fewer calories than your body can burn. This simple principle leads us to the topic of calorie burning and boosting the metabolism. The body is burning calories for basic bodily functions like blood circulation and breathing. Thus, it burns calories…

Calorie Burning Activities: 5 Fun Calorie Burning Activities That You Can Do With Your Kids

Finding the perfect calorie burning activities can be a daunting task especially if you are not used to burning calories in your regular routine. Here we will share with you 5 of the best calorie burning activities that you can enjoy on your own or with friends and family. 1. Trekking If you live by…

Getting In Shape Is Doable When You Harness The Power Of CrossFit Exercises

In the same way that working out with Kettlebells became so popular, CrossFit is a new way of exercising that’s also become very popular. This is different than the typical gym workout that many people experience. You’ll find that these simple exercises are simple, but very effective. In some ways they may seem simplistic and…