Stretching exercises are believed to be a “must” in any fitness program. However, these are often neglected and not given that much time and attention. Little do we know that such simple exercises have a big importance to us and to our health! It’s true, and I’m just about to bear it out to you….
Stretching and Warming Up Are Important Before Exercise For Ideal Fitness
Are you a person who does not realize the consequences of failing to warm up before each time you exercise? If you are involved in any kind of physical exercise, it is imperative that you warm up before starting any strenuous physical activity. This is ever more important if you are over 40 years and…
Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises are important before you begin your workout. Always remember to stretch before and after your workout. Stretching exercises also give you health and fitness by making you more flexible. This helps you in all sorts of exercises, even running, you will find stretching the leg muscles daily will give you better performance at…
Strength Training For Beginners – How To Start A Weight Training Program
I always liked the results from when I first started to workout with weights. It didn’t take long to see the results either. Strength training for beginners should be a fun time to exercise. Whether you’re at home or at the gym have fun with your routine. You are going to see rapid changes as…
Strength Training For Runners!
It is no secret that the best runners have to be both well conditioned and strong! Thats right, I said strong. You see any physical activity that you engage in your body has to be strong and fit in order to perform at the highest level. This is no different for runners. If you are…
Strength Training For Triathletes!
Strength training for triathlons must be as versatile as the competition of the triathlon race itself. As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you that one of the most versatile means of strength training that every athlete can benefit from is the ancient art form of kettlebell training. If you are wanting to…
Fitness Strength Training For Women – What You Need to Know
Something that a lot of women look for is fitness strength training. And here’s the funny thing…ask any women what is strength training and you’ll be told lifting some weights. BUT…most women’s idea of lifting weights is lifting that 5 pound weight. Well here are three ways for you, a woman, to really do some…
Strength Training For Fitness
Strength training is important to your exercise and fitness program. It will help you increase your metabolism and burn more fat and calories throughout the day by requiring your muscles and body to need more fuel for maintenance when at rest. Overall fitness is easy; all you have to do is consume a balanced, nutritious…
Learning to Run For Fitness: How To Improve Your Running Technique
The wrong technique will lead to injury, make your running more of a chore than a pleasure and put unnecessary stress on your joints. Don’t believe me, then watch runners in the park as they go past and describe in one word how they look. Sure, some of them will look easy and relaxed but…
A Few Reminders Before You Start Running for Fitness
A lot of people seem to get excited about the things they are going to buy when entering the sport of running. Although buying things as an entry into the hobby helps a neophyte runners’ motivation, it is also important to note what other things need to be done before actually starting to run. This…