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Kettlebell For Women – Top 5 Kettlebell Exercises For Women

I just recently found out that Kettlebell training is extremely popular amongst women. In fact, more women purchase Kettlebells and related products then men. Perhaps they have realized that Kettlebells aren’t just a huge chunk of iron for men only. Women are getting some impressive results with Kettlebells. This is because most Kettlebell movements build…

Calories Burned Walking Up Stairs – Does Sitting Burn Calories? Lose Weight by Climbing Stairs!

You will be surprised to see the amount of calories burned just by walking up stairs. In order to shed those extra pounds from your body even during your busy schedule, you should spend at least 10 minutes daily for burning calories. Most people don’t get time for maintaining their fitness level due to their…

Bodyweight Training For Fitness – More Than You Think?

Fitness is a complex term. This is why when you ask someone for a universal definition of fitness you usually get something vague like this, “Fitness is being fit”. Don’t believe me, ask someone (even fitness professionals). But once you understand the true nature of fitness, I’m confident you’ll see why bodyweight training for fitness…