Fat Loss Exercise – How to Increase Your Calorie Burning

When you exercise in order to lose weight, you may find that your weight loss stops at a certain point. That may mean you have reached plateau and you may not know what to do. We are going to discuss some way that you can use to overcome plateau in your exercise so that you can lose more weight.

What is plateau? It is the slacker mode that you have when you go to the gym every day and your weight change is at stagnant phase.

According to a Hollywood trainer, Jeanette Jenkins, you can burn more calories if you know how to properly exercise. For example, some may go to the gym for 30 minutes and burn 300 calories. But with the right techniques, you can do the same and burn 600 calories. That means you can double your calories burned.

While you are resting during your weight lifting session, add cardio exercise onto it. For example, you can do 25-30 jumping jacks or alternating knee lifts during your rest. This will increase your calories burning.

You can combine upper and lower body exercise together. For example, you may do biceps curls with dumbbells. At the same time, you can do stationary lunges.

If walking on the treadmill is your game, you can shuffle while walking. For example, you can do 30 minutes of power walk and include five intervals of side shuffles. Each set last one or two minutes.

You can wear a weighted vest. It will double your calories burning while you are exercising.

When you do the weight training, do the drop sets. Start with the heaviest and gradually decrease. But when you reduce weight, you will need to increase repetitions. For example, you can start with the heaviest for 10 reps and end with the lightest for 25 reps.

If you can, increase the weight to be more than the most you usually do. If your maximum was 80 pounds, make it 85. You will see big difference when you go beyond your limit.

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