Everyday inventors, scientists, etc. develop new devices and technologies aimed at making life a bit easier than it was for our ancestors. As a result, our society has become quite lazy and lackluster. Consequently, our society has begun to see an increase in the number of obese people. This issue has become even more pressing…
How to Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises
The most common mistake made by people who endeavour to build muscle with bodyweight exercises today is they fail to follow the principles of muscle growth and instead perform high repetition sets of simple exercises. For example, you cannot build an impressive chest by doing sets of 30, 50 0r even a 100 press ups…
Five Tips for Getting the Most from Your Bodyweight Exercise Workout
Bodyweight exercises are designed so that you can use your own “body weight” to provide the tension and resistance normally associated with weight training equipment. However, bodyweight exercise is different from traditional weight training in that while it localizes specific areas of your body for building strength and endurance, contrary to traditional weight training methods…
Bodyweight Exercises – Misconceptions and Mistakes
Bodyweight training has been a popular form of exercise for decades, especially when it comes to group exercise classes and workout videos. It can certainly be an effective form of exercise, but bodyweight training programs are often designed without really considering the many different types of people who perform the workouts. Bodyweight exercises are typically…
Leg Strength Exercises – 7 Exercises For Adding Massive Muscle
When I first started out training in the gym I spent most of my time on my upper body. Like most people I thought that was all that mattered. Soon after I realized my mistake. In focusing solely on my upper body, I was creating a very disproportionate body. I knew then, that I had…
Core Strength Exercises For a Better Body
Any fitness routine must include core strength exercises to be complete. This is true whether you’re a man or a woman. While most of us tend to focus mainly on the sexy six pack, strengthening your core does so much more than just make you look good, it can affect the condition of your whole…
How to Use Strength Exercise for Healthy Aging
When Judith Salerno, the deputy director of the National Institute on Aging, ran her first half-marathon at the age of 50 after exercising with her personal trainer, 77-year old Dixon Hemphill, she showed once and for all you can stay physically fit well past 40. In fact, a combination of diet and regular exercise is…
A Strength Exercise That Will Improve Your Balance
Poor lower extremity strength is the number one reason that people fall. A sedentary individual loses about 40% of their muscle mass and 30% of their strength by age 70. Unfortunately, the lower extremities are more affected than the upper extremities. One of the most practical and functional lower extremity strength tests is the Chair…
Home Abs Exercises
Exercises That You Can Easily Do People are prone to just sit around on the couch and watch their TV all day. This is also one of the biggest reasons why people are getting out of shape. Instead of just working out for a couple of minutes every day, they will just sit on their…
The Right Abs Exercise
Developing the abdominal muscles is one of the most common goals of fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and people who are simply interested in having a fit body. This may seem easy with proper diet and abs exercise. Still, unknown to many, without the proper guidance and exercise routines, anyone’s effort to develop that much desired six…