Today most people understand how beneficial yoga is for a healthy body. It helps people to recover from diseases where doctors sometimes fail. So yoga has become popular among all age groups. Yoga exercises are advantageous at every age and can easily be included in a daily schedule. Yoga is a well known method to…
Women’s Fitness For Better Health
The women who often feel the most remorse when taking time for personal health break are the ones who are employed outside the house. The guilt over helping the kids with homework or extending daycare for an additional 45 minutes each day vs. using that time to work out. We must admit there is a…
Types of Yoga Which Can Help You Lose Weight
Today, yoga has become a way of life. It is seen as a great way to keep our mind and body fit. Yoga has many postures and techniques which have been specially developed to benefit various parts of our body. Many studies have shown that practicing yoga regularly makes us feel better and healthier. Yoga…
Fitness Yoga Accessories For Yoga Exercises
There are lots of accessories for Yoga workouts which will serve to make you a lot more comfortable, and help you achieve the most benefit coming from each and every Yoga posture which you achieve. Some of the equipment are considered to be props, but there are several mats which will show to be beneficial…
Role of Yoga in Health and Fitness
Due to the modernization of lifestyle, we have lost the harmony of life due to which, we have got several diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary heart diseases, etc. To prevent the diseases we need to adopt the better lifestyle, which include a balanced diet with proper physical activity. Yoga is highly considered in the…
The Seven Steps For Getting Healthy and Staying Fit
Life is ever expanding, so are we humans, with our continuous quest for greater health and fitness. Today there are countless new training methods claiming to be the best for either maximum weight loss or fastest ways to get a six pack. It is endless, if one surfs the net, there are countless sites that…
Muscle Fitness – Can Yoga Make You Stronger
Many people wonder if yoga can improve their muscle fitness. They recognize that yoga can help reduce stress and increase flexibility, but when it comes to increasing muscle fitness, they think it might be a little too ‘weak’ to do the job. The fact is that yoga can definitely make you stronger. A study was…
Yoga For Height Increase
If you are one of those people who hasn’t been blessed with great height, you may be interested in trying out Yoga for height increase. As you may know, Yoga is an ancient exercise technique/philosophy that originated in India centuries ago. It was developed by Hindu holy men in accordance with the practices and philosophies…
Teaching Fitness Yoga Classes
In the 1890s, Swami Vivekananda was the first yogi to tour the Americas and Europe. The free-loving 1960s ushered in renewed interest in the ancient Indian practice, and Dean Ornish, in the 1980s, popularized the healthy yoga movement. Today, yoga has arrived as a standard offering at most gyms, health spas and even cruises! Yet,…
Women Fitness – Yoga
Yoga has a long history as a practice used by ancient sages, yogis and monks in the East to help them achieve their goal of spiritual enlightenment. However in the last 50 years it has gained considerable popularity as a way for us in the West to keep fit and healthy. Introduced to Western mainstream…