Diet, it can be also called as slim fast diet because most of the people will be in diet to reduce their problem of obesity. Diet therapy is a broad term for the practical application of nutrition as a preventative or corrective treatment of disease. This usually involves the modification of an existing dietary lifestyle…
Are Any Diets Cheaper Than Nutrisystem But Just As Good?
Yesterday, I received an email from a women who told me that she liked many aspects of this diet, but she was trying to do better on the price. Specifically, she wanted to know “is there any diets that are as good as Nutrisystem with as many good food choices that are cheaper or cost…
What Is The Milk Diet?
The Milk Diet is a diet that was promoted by Bernarr Macfadden in the early 1920’s. His belief was that milk was a miracle food and could take the place of all other nourishment. It was touted as a miracle diet that would cure disease and illness, not cause a person to lose weight as…
Why Running Shoes Don’t Work
The running shoe model needs to be fixed. Pronation, motion control, cushioning, and stability shoes? Get rid of them all. It’s not just barefoot running and minimalism versus running shoes, the either/or situation many portray it to be. It’s much deeper than that. It’s not even that running shoe companies are evil and out to…
Training Essentials for Running
he first thing that you might want to consider before you start running is “Why do I want to run?” The reasons why people run vary. Some may run because they want to lose weight, while others may run because they want to maintain a healthy body, while still others may want to run to…
How to Increase Your Distance With Each Run
The first thing you should know is that it’s relatively easy to run longer distance, but you do need to know a few things. Increasing distance is a common cause of running injury but there are things you can do to reduce the risk of coming up hurt. I’ll cover some of those below. Get…
18 No-Nonsense Tips To Running Faster
Wanting to be a good runner, lose weight or dreaming of crossing the finish line in a new record time means nothing unless you have the motivation to make it a reality. The truth is, far too many highly qualified, deserving people don’t achieve what it was they were setting out for simply because they…
Running Terms Explained – 101 Running Slang Terms and Definitions
Running terms and their slang verbage have become common language for me since I started running in 2006. But, when I try to explain what it is that runners do to a person that doesn’t run, I get a blank stare or disbelief. Yes, there really is such a thing as bloody nipples. No, a…
How A Fitness Trainer Can Bring A Healthy Living For You?
You live for once and your life is so much precious for you. Your life is joyful if you’re living healthy and fit because your health has a big impact over the joy in your life. Because of your regular commitments and activities, you forget to take care of your health and it affects your…
The Benefits of a Live-in Personal Trainer
The hustle and bustle of New York City can make it necessary for many people to need additional services throughout the day that aren’t normally used by those people who live in a suburban environment. It may be something as simple as sending out your laundry instead of doing it yourself, or it could be…