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Personal Training – Making Yourself Fit Inside and Out

Physical workout done in moderation is a perfect personal training that is not only good for the physique but is also good for the mind and the heart. It is an excellent option for people who want to look good and feel good.

Proper personal training involves a proper physical regimen coupled with proper diet, proper sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Swimming, walking, running, cycling or playing tennis are aerobic exercises that focus on cardiovascular endurance. Stretching, contracting and other flexibility exercises strengthen muscles and joints. Weight lifting, sprinting and other functional trainings target short-term and quick muscle building and strengthening.

Let’s take a look at what personal training does for the body.

For the Physique

The human body is made mostly of muscles, bones and joints. Muscles give form and shape to the body. Bones are designed to bear weight while joints make the body move. Good physical exercise helps build and maintain muscle strength, healthy bone density and joint mobility. Exercise boosts the body’s energy level needed for regular physical activity like going to places, doing household chores or exercising your profession.

Regular physical activity helps manage weight. Excess weight is usually associated with excess fat in the body that often causes diabetes and other chronic diseases that affect the heart. Excessive body weight also makes people hard to sleep, breathe, walk, run and get around. Overweight and obese persons often feel uncomfortable because of how they look, thus lowering their self-image and self-esteem.

Proper exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. Healthy body tissues promote a strong immune system and help fight some chronic health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory tract infections and some types of breast and colon cancers.

For the Heart

With the proper physical workout, the heart becomes stronger and is more efficient at delivering blood to all parts of the body. The blood vessels are made more elastic, thus improving circulation. Blood cholesterol levels are reduced, minimizing the risk of strokes. Depending on your health condition and age, 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity 5 times a week or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise 3 days a week is a good program to maintain a healthy heart.

For the Brain

The brain is made up of nerve cells called neurons that carry impulses. These impulses are responsible for telling the body what to do. For instance, if you want to move a finger, the neurons direct the impulses to tell the finger to move.

Regular physical activity helps generate neurons. Being physically active has also been proven to improve memory and alleviate pain, both mental and physical. People doing regular exercises are known to be more perceptive, more intuitive and more cheerful.

The key to a sustainable personal training is moderation and regularity. As in everything else like excessive food and excessive sleep, excessive exercise is detrimental to your health. Overly strenuous exercise may injure muscles, break bones, sprain joints or overwork the heart and brain. A good level of physical training is one that is enjoyable and not tiresome. Now, you should be ready to walk, run, swim or dance and make yourself look good and feel good inside and out.