Yoga Moves To Create Mind Body Balance
So there I was, trying to hide in the back row – doing my yoga moves and grooves – well my version of them anyway – ever been there? Legs tangled up in knots or crossed in a position I can’t get out of. If only I had been listening to our instructor, instead of having an attack of the giggles with my sister-in-law. However, I hung in there in the hope that in time I would become more in tune, have more balance, have coordination and feel the benefits that others told me about. So what are they anyway?
Health benefits of yoga moves include increased balance and flexibility, mental clarity, improved strength, relaxation and energy. It works to integrate mind, body and spirit.
Your yoga stretches will increase the range and flexibility of your muscles and joints. Different yoga positions promote different skills and varying balance, encouraging strength with supporting your own body weight.
This type of exercise, as does Pilates, can help to improve your back alignment, strength and flexibility. Back pain is so common these days and one way to manage pain could be beginning yoga. For men, classes are welcoming and encouraging, as it is for seniors, where exercises, if necessary, can be done in a chair. You come away feeling invigorated, and relaxed with a greater sense of well being.
Learning to breath correctly can help focus the mind and breath. Most of us do not breath correctly. Deep belly breathing is encouraged. Getting more oxygen into your body, focusing on having depth and rhythm in your breathing, quietens your body. Mentally concentrating on your breathing can help calm your mind, which in turn relieves stress, and we could all do with a bit less of that couldn’t we!
Being aware of your body and in tune with how it works, can help you with the signs of breast cancer. Since I am passionate about breast health and encouraging women to become breast aware, doing their monthly breast examination, I feel yoga is another thing women can do to improve their health. Proactive women taking care of their health often do breast self exam. Being aware of how your body moves and feels, puts you in a good position if changes were to occur with your breast. The health benefits of yoga are many, so what are you waiting for, have a go, listen to your instructor and avoid the giggles in the back row!