Bacon Sandwich With Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that looks like pear and is either in green on purple in colour. Avocado is found mainly in the Mediterranean countries and is known to contain multiple health benefits for both adult and kids. Avocado contribute nearly 20 type of vitamins and is well known to help protect and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and used for treatment of prostate and breast cancers. For those who are going through a diet program, Avocado acts as a replacement for high fat snacks. With all this nutrient and benefit, I ensure that my family has the opportunity to benefit from this fruit. The recipe I am sharing will be bacon sandwich and avocado which is suitable to be taken any time of the day.

Preparing the Ingredients

Purchase 2kg bacon slices from any nearest grocery store. Remember to request for low fat meat. We will need 1 ripe avocado; purple avocado is the ripe one. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and prepare salt and pepper. We would need butter to apply to the bread, 3 tablespoon would be sufficient. Prepare 4 slices whole wheat bread. Lastly prepare lemon twist and parsley sprig which is use to garnish.


Start by fry the bacon until crisp. You do not have to use any oil as bacon when fried will render its own oil. Once the frying is done, the important thing is to ensure the bacon are drain on paper towels. Next, peel the avocado then cut in half and remove off the seed. Since avocado is quite soft when it is ripe, be gently when peeling the skin to avoid removing the green flesh. Once this is done, you can put the avocado into a bowl, then mash and stir it with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Next, toast the slices of the bread to make it crisp. Then butter it and continue by spreading avocado mixture on the bread. Place the bacon over the avocado and cover it with the remaining bread slices. Press together and hold it tightly. To serve, cut off the bread crusts and then cut it into 4 triangles. Then garnished it with lemon twist and parsley sprig for additional taste.