The Three-Fold Benefits Of Running

There are a lot of exercises now that men designed that would address the problems of various parts of the body. Men are gifted with two pairs of feet and strong knees that would help them move fast. Men move these feet more in walking, sometimes they jog, and sometimes, they runs. Walking is done daily more out of a necessity. It also does benefits to the body just like jogging. However, among these three movements, running is the one with greater benefits for the body. It caters to the benefits of man’s physical, emotional, and social attributes. Once these three are attuned through running, the body maximizes its functions in a smooth way for the benefit of man’s whole being.

Running is a strong cardiovascular exercise. It burns down calories at the rate of 500 calories per mile run in a day. As one runs, the arteries expand and contract more thereby, strengthening it and making the arteries more elastic. As a result, this action helps lower blood pressure. In addition, running strengthens the lungs as we breathe in more while running. This maximizes lung potential and helps prevent heart attack. The heartbeat of an active runner is lesser than the one who is inactive. The elastic and open arteries, as an effect of running, allow the blood to flow smoothly. After a run, the body releases beta-endorphin, triggered by neurons in the nervous system. This beta-endorphin release is the body’s attempt to alleviate the pain and body stress after running. Beta-endorphin gives runner exhilaration and this feeling makes him enjoy this activity. Thus, his emotional being meets contentment and a release of negative thoughts when he is into a running exercise.

While running, one can meet new friends, as there are also other runners in the block. Even if one starts to run alone, he is bound to run along other runners and usually, they end up at the same park for their end-run stretches. In addition, if runners do it as a group, their running exercise strengthens not only the body but also the bonding among them as friends.

For the basic three-fold benefits that running gives us, it is not a waste of time when one chooses to do running exercise. One only needs to have a pair of quality running shoes and shorts. However, you can opt for a pair of jogging pants, especially if the day is windy or cold.