Running – Just One Type of Calorie-Burning Goodness

There are many ways to burn calories but running is one of my favorite. Why? Here are my top three reasons for running as a calorie-burning good time.

1. I get to set the pace. I can increase and decrease my pace depending on my energy level and desire. If I want to do sprints or just jog, I can do that knowing that I’m in charge. Even when I slow down and add walking breaks to my workout, I know that I’m maintaining a high calorie burning rate because I stay in motion, my heart rate stays elevated. I workout longer because I spread my energy out over longer periods of time than if I just did short but intensive exercise. Exercising for an hour at different paces is a sure bet to keep my metabolism running on high for hours after my workout.

2. I can listen to music or audio-books while I’m running. Sometime I use my running as a form of meditation, thinking through my problems and dilemmas in life. Sometimes I take music and just enjoy; other times I take my audio-programs and learn while I’m burning calories. Many times, I go out and exercise just so that I have a ‘reason’ for listening to my audio-programs or my new music downloads. It’s multi-tasking in a positive sense. As an added benefit, it feels great to run and know that I’m expanding my body and my mind at the same time. This isn’t something you can do with any sport.

3. I can do it anywhere, anytime. The beauty of being a runner to burn calories is that it can be done anytime and anywhere. You don’t need a partner, a court or special equipment. You can go out for a run in the morning, during your lunch hour or at night (not always the best choice but a real possibility). Also, if you are traveling, you can easily take your running shoes and run on the treadmill at the hotel gym or go for a run anywhere. Running is a universal sport, you’ll always find someone else out running wherever you go. There is freedom in running as your form of calorie-burning goodness. You choose when, where and how long. It’s really that simple.

I love to run to burn off calories. It seems that as I run I feel stronger and stronger. My mind clears and I can think better plus I don’t have to concentrate on hitting a ball or working out a play. It’s just me and the pavement, sometimes my music or audiobooks, but in the long run, it’s me and my favorite calorie-burning activity.