I’ve been getting some great feedback on these Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workouts. To better help you guys, I’ll be putting together some weekly bodyweight-only programs you can do using TT Workouts.
Lets start off with this week:
Monday – Bodyweight 350
Start the week off with Craig Ballantyne’s Bodyweight 350 workout. This is one of the challenge workouts from the Bodyweight 500 Workout:
- 45 Prisoner Squats
- 40 Pushups
- 20 Jumps
- 20 Stability Ball Leg Curls
- 20 Stability Ball Jackknifes
- 40 Step-ups (20 reps per Side)
- 10 Pullups (No Substitutions)
- 40 Forward Lunges (20 reps per Side)
- 40 Close-Grip Pushups
- 20 Inverted Rows
- 40 Squats
- 15 Chin-ups (No Substitutions)
Time the entire workout, and try to beat your time the following week.
Tuesday – Mini Bodyweight A
After a tough Bodyweight 350 Challenge, do an easier (yet challenging) workout for Tuesday:
3 rounds of:
- Chinup or Pushup (Max Reps)
- Prisoner Squats (25 reps)
- Reverse Lunve (15 per side)
- Rest 1 minute
Write down your repetitions for the Chinups or Pushups. Try and beat your reps the following week.
Wednesday – Advanced Bodyweight Workout B
This is a great workout you can use to build up your strength. A strength workout can also be used for mass:
Superset #1:
- Pistols or 1-leg Squats onto Bench 2 reps per Leg
- Decline Pushups – 20 reps
- Rest 1 minute
- Perform 6 total sets
- In set 2, do 4 Squats and 20 Pushups
- In set 3, do 6 squats, no Pushups
- In set 4, do 8 squats, and 20 Pushups
- In set 5, do 4 squats, and 20 Pushups
- In set 6, do 2 squats, no Pushups
- Perform 6 total sets
Superset #2:
- Partner Assisted Glute Ham Raise or 1-Leg RDL – 8 reps
- 1-Arm Inverted Row – As Many Reps as Possible
- Rest 30 seconds repeat superset 2 more times
Superset #3:
- Bulgarian Split Squat – 8 reps
- Stability Ball Ab Crunch – 15 reps
- Rest 30 seconds and repeat superset 2 more times
Superset #4:
- 1 Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl, 8 reps
- Plank with Arms on Ball, 45 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds and repeat superset 2 more times
Thursday – Mini Bodyweight B
Another light, mini bodyweight circuit:
3 rounds of:
- Underhand Bodyweight Rows (Max Reps)
- Bulgarian Split Squats (15 per side)
- Close-Grip Pushups (Max Reps)
- Rest 1 minute
Write down your repetitions for the bodyweight rows and close grip pushups. Try and beat your reps the following week.
Friday – Interval Training
Finish the Week off with a High intensity (puke inducing) interval circuit from the TT Avanced Bodyweight Program:
After a 5 minute warmup:
- 60 second High Intensity Cardio
- 20 Pushups
- Rest 1 minute
- 60 Second High Intensity Cardio
- Side Plank, 30 seconds each side
- Rest 1 minute
- 60 Second High Intensity Cardio
- 20 Bodyweight Squats
- Rest 1 Minute
- Repeat Circuit 1 More time
5 minute Cooldown
As you can see, we combined 3 TT Bodyweight Workouts to develop a customized, high intensity bodyweight program. You can do the same by grabbing multiple TT Bodyweight Workouts.