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How yoga is effective idea to deal with Hyperacidity

Stomach acid plays vital role in dealing with digestion actually we can say that it is must for digestion purpose. Whatever we eat the acid present is body makes it able to digest. This is natural; process and very much required but in case the acid amount exceeds then it may change in the problematic condition called acidity and required you to look for hyperacidity and acid reflux treatment.

What is the role of stomach acid in body?

Stomach acid must be in prior amount on body for killing harmful bacteria and parasite that enters the body through the food you eat. Acid also activates the pepsin enzyme so that can digest protein. It helps the intestines to make nutrients’ absorption better form digested food. It provides signals to the pancreas so that would creates digestive juice and enzymes necessary for digestion of food properly. Stomach acid plays vital role to absorb Vitamin B12 that is prior for complete brain functions, nervous system and on the same time for blood formation as well.

Who are at High risk?

People who are developed with unhealthy eating habits are at huge risk of having the acidity in stomach. When the acid level enhances to the normal level then the condition is known as hyperacidity. Sometime the condition is so severe that come up from to stomach to the esophagus and the resultant condition is called acid reflux. For purpose you can depend to the easy and effective hyperacidity and acid reflux treatment that is yoga and pranayamas.

Yoga is best exercise

Yoga practices can prove helpful to deal with acidity as makes the level down naturally. One should make that done under expert’s supervision but before choosing any of the solution one has to look for the exact cause of the issue. There are number of yoga practices that can be done easily at home and can make you able to deal with all the issues related to stomach issues and the list includes halasana, anulom vilom, kapalbhati parnayama, ustra asana, pawanmukta asana and vajrasana.

What can Cause acidity

There are huge number of issues are there that can make you prone to have acidity reflux and some of the most common ones includes alcohol consumption. No exercising, smoking, loss of appetite, eating at anytime, wrong eating habits, spicy foods, tea and coffee consumption. Along with that a psychological issue can also be the reason for hyperacidity like stress can triggers the symptoms of acidity. Not only psychological issue are responsible for excessive acid production in stomach but a medical issue where a valve between esophagus and stomach goes weak and that leads to reflux the acid from stomach to lower part of esophagus.