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Common Yoga Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Yoga may be thought of as a low impact exercise that is great for aches and pains. What the majority of people who practice Yoga realize, however, is that like any other exercise it comes with its own risks and rewards. Common Yoga injuries include neck pain, back troubles, and even nerve damage.

Three Common Yoga Injuries

Anyone considering practicing Yoga regularly or simply trying it for the first time, need to understand that injuries come with any type of physical activity.

Three common yoga injuries include:

1. Damage to wrists
2. Strained back
3. Nerve damage

A lot of Yoga poses has your body weight resting on your wrists. This amount of force can cause serious pain. It is important to flip and rotate wrists regularly to prevent this.

The back is always at risk when doing anything physical. The twists and bends that Yoga requires can put a real strain on the lumbar region.

Nerve damage may not be on a Yogi’s radar but it can very much happen. In fact, nerve damage is one of the most common types of Yoga injuries that is the hardest to bounce back from.

Know and Respect Your Limits

People pop in a Yoga DVD or pull up a video online and believe that is all they need to do to practice Yoga. For too long Yoga, pilates, and similar types of exercise have been viewed as a one-size-fits-all. That’s not how it is though.

Yoga isn’t different from any other form of exercise. It is important for people to know their limits and to respect them. If it hurts to bend down to downward facing dog there is no reason to force it. Yoga is about easing your body into these positions and strengthening it over time.

There is no reason to go 0 to 60 like you are a sports car on a race track. Yoga is about going at your own pace the same way any other exercise routine would be. If you are in a Yoga class and the instructor is forcing you into uncomfortable positions then switch classes. You will do more damage to your body by pushing it too hard too fast.

Prevent Injuries with Proper Stretching

One of the easiest ways to prevent common Yoga injuries is to stretch properly. Before beginning a Yoga session and after it ends, it is important to do a warmup and cooldown that is separate from the routine.

Always ease into a stretch and give your body proper time to warm up. Exercise takes a lot out of the body. It is important to put your body into a relaxing state so muscles can fully stretch and be made stronger.

Benefits of Yoga

Even with the avoid common yoga injuries, the routine of practicing Yoga regularly has its benefits.

One of the biggest benefits for women is it’s a way to get rid of PMS. By increasing endorphins and stretching the muscles, it keeps the body loose and helps get rid of PMS symptoms such as cramps and irritability.