Are you a person who does not realize the consequences of failing to warm up before each time you exercise? If you are involved in any kind of physical exercise, it is imperative that you warm up before starting any strenuous physical activity. This is ever more important if you are over 40 years and…
Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises are important before you begin your workout. Always remember to stretch before and after your workout. Stretching exercises also give you health and fitness by making you more flexible. This helps you in all sorts of exercises, even running, you will find stretching the leg muscles daily will give you better performance at…
Stretching Exercises You Need to Employ in Muscle Building
The achievement of a stunning physique is what every athlete or muscle builder will be proud to display among his peers. It gives a good feeling if you can eventually reach this level of peak performance in your muscle building endeavour. Through various rigorous exercises and proper diets this can be done. However, before the…
Why Stretching is Important to Fitness
You may be trying to get healthy and that is a good thing all the way around. When you are working to produce the kinds of results that you need there is going to be a time when you have it all well in hand. More and more people are spending the time that they…
Effective Whole Body Stretching – What You Should Know
In our quest for fitness, many individuals focus only on cardiovascular exercise and weight training. They usually neglect to include a flexibility regimen, either out of ignorance of its importance or because they simply forgot about it. However, body stretching techniques, when done correctly give a lot of immense benefits. Not only does it widen…
Stretch Exercises For Seniors
Growing old is unavoidable. But the problems that set in with age are avoidable to some extent. Physical exercise has been found to be extremely helpful in slowing down the process of ageing. This is to say that the symptoms that herald an advanced age, like slow body movements, low muscle flexibility and weakness, can…
7 Great Tips For Stretching Your Muscles
This story paints a picture of the mindset necessary to be successful in a stretching program. In fact, this story will show you how the mindset will work on any task life gives you? Pat Riley was the very successful coach of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team during the 1980’s. He told his players,…
The Benefits of Stretching Before Exercise
One thing to remember about stretching is that stretching is natural in animals, especially mammals. Oops… maybe you forgot that people are definitely mammals, so what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Stretching is part of the natural order of your body as well in the bodies of other mammals. Have…
Stretching For a Healthier You
The headline of this article could be interpreted in a variety of different ways. For the purposes of this blog post it will address our physical flexibility. Flexibility is an important measure of our physical fitness. Flexibility is just as important to our overall health as is strength, endurance, aerobic capacity and body composition. One…
Getting Started With Stretching
In our fast-paced society it can be difficult for anyone to find time for exercise. This is such a shame since exercise has so many wonderful benefits. It gives you energy, it reduces health problems, it helps you lose unnecessary fat, and it relieves stress. The trick is finding a way to put exercise in…