When you explain to someone that you’re working with a personal trainer, the image they get is of you working out one-on-one with a traditional fitness instructor who specializes in weight lifting and cardio. With the increased popularity of the martial arts, however, more and more instructors are offering the personal training option. You may…
Find Fitness in Personal Training With Others
Everyone has the physical ability to get in shape. What more people often lack is the knowledge, discipline and/or motivation to be effective at it. Personal training groups with personal trainers have the ability to provide you with all of these things in a way that you’ve never experienced before. Knowledge about physical training is…
Personal Training and You
Another New Year has started and all those New Years resolutions for getting to the gym, losing weight and getting fit have come and gone right? Relax. This is perfectly normal and it happens to 99% of people who make those promises. Most people start each New Year with the very best of intentions. They…
Online Personal Training – Is it Right For You?
I’ve helped hundreds, maybe even thousands of fitness experts dial in their fitness marketing system. If you want to take your personal training business to a whole new level than I suggest that you consider offering online personal training. Right now is the perfect time to launch your online personal training business and start creating…
The Trend Of CrossFit Workouts
CrossFit workouts are programs that focus on strengthening and conditioning. This type of workout method is used widely in gyms across the world, as well as in training programs for firefighters, law enforcement, and military organizations. This system was founded in 1995 by former high school gymnast Greg Glassman. CrossFit workouts incorporate three training areas…
Crossfit: A Highly Effective Program For Weight Loss
In a standard workout routine you might spend 20 to 40 minutes on aerobics one day. The next day yoga might be the centerpiece with the following day abs the main area to be addressed, and the next day your upper body and so on and so on. Eventually, you’ll work your way through all…
CrossFit Training – Is It Healthy or Hype?
For anyone who has the determination to have a tight body, CrossFit training can be an option. It is a combination of the following: Olympic-style weight lifting, strength training, speed training, explosive polymetrics, power-style weight lifting, body weight exercises, kettle bells, endurance exercise, and gymnastics. It is a highly disciplined form of physical fitness training,…
6 Benefits CrossFit Training Can Give You
People nowadays are more preoccupied with their bodies more than anything else. That is why men and women alike are willing to spend thousands of dollars just to improve the way they look. Now some of these people are turning to CrossFit. But what is CrossFit? This is a conditioning and strength brand that includes…
5 Ways to Get Started With CrossFit
Is CrossFit only for the insanely toned and fit individual? Or can regular people use this too? But before we answer these questions let us first be clear on what exactly is CrossFit. CrossFit is an exercise regimen that is focused on improving the body’s core conditioning and strength. Its main goal is to improve…
The Cardio-Vascular Workout – Health and Fitness Essentials
To accomplish a good cardio-vascular workout all you really need is a good pair of running shoes. Most cardio-vascular exercise needs little or no third party apparatus to help you accomplish your routine. Running, dancing, walking can all be done with no equipment (well, if dancing, then maybe some music would help). Other forms of…