A while back at Tastefully Driven, I wrote a post where I claimed that all you need to get into great shape is running, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. Well, I’m going to back that claim up and design three intense workouts using only those four exercises. Each workout builds on the one before it. My…
Bodyweight Workout You Can Perform at Home
Times are tough, and you need to cut back as much as possible. Do this: forget your gym membership, and cut your training time in half. Seriously, you won’t even need to train that long because what I’m about to show you will save you ton of time with regards to your workouts. Two years…
Bodyweight Workouts: Lose Fat & Gain Muscle Without Going to the Gym
I remember being a struggling student years ago and not wanting to spend the $10 for a day pass at the local gym. It was frustrating to want to work out but not being able to have thousands of dollars of equipment at my disposal. Plus, I didn’t want to be stuck in any stuffy…
ABs Workout
Forget all those hundred’s of ‘crunches’ and sit-ups’ everyday if you want to have great abs you must change your abs workout. There are 5 facts you must understand if you are ever going to lose your belly fat and get six pack abs. 1. Many so-called “health foods” are actually cleverly disguised junk foods…
Abs Workouts Tips and Tricks
An abs workout for toning the mid section does not have to be strenuous. Several workouts to help attain the wanted look are listed here. Buried muscle groups that exist beneath surface muscles rarely get the attention they need to achieve a tone stomach. These muscles are not affected by crunches. That is why crunches…
Get a Better Abs Workout – Targeting Core Muscles
Does your abs routine target the key muscles of the abdomen from all angles? Do you do the right combination of exercises to give you the most complete workout? The core region of the body is very complex and technically consists of the collective muscles that control your trunk. The abdominals are central to the…
Good Abs Workout – A Complete Core Workout With Just 2 Exercises!
Looking for a good abs workout that will get you one step closer to that six pack you’ve always wanted? Well, look no further – you’re in the right place. The 2 exercises I will profile below are, in my opinion, the top abdominal exercises out there. So, without further ado, here they are.. Good…
The Best Abs Workout For You – A 4 Week Routine
If you want to achieve the ripped abs that everybody is fantasizing about, you have to work hard and invest time on it. Even with the best abs workout that the best health and fitness gyms in the world can offer, you can’t have the six packs that you are dreaming of without commitment. In…
The Benefits of Stretching Before Exercise
One thing to remember about stretching is that stretching is natural in animals, especially mammals. Oops… maybe you forgot that people are definitely mammals, so what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Stretching is part of the natural order of your body as well in the bodies of other mammals. Have…
Stretching For a Healthier You
The headline of this article could be interpreted in a variety of different ways. For the purposes of this blog post it will address our physical flexibility. Flexibility is an important measure of our physical fitness. Flexibility is just as important to our overall health as is strength, endurance, aerobic capacity and body composition. One…