When your kids catch a cold it can be tricky finding an effective natural remedy that works well.
Over the years I have found this simple remedy to being very effective:
Get one onion, and peel off the skin.
Now slice the onion into thin slices.
Put the slices in a small container.
Next, grab a container of honey (organic if possible) and using a dessert spoon scoop out two spoonfuls of honey and spread the honey over the onion slices.
Cover the container and leave it for a couple of hours or longer. (Do not put in the fridge).
After at least a couple of hours, you will see that a lot of the honey will have melted with a syrup now sitting at the bottom of the container. (Once the honey has all melted, you can then refrigerate).
This syrup contains juices from the onion, sweetened by the honey.
Using a teaspoon, tip up the container to fill the teaspoon with this syrup, and give this to your child to swallow.
Give your child a teaspoon of this sweet onion syrup every two or three hours, and you should find over the next day or two a noticeable improvement in your child’s health.