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Diet Tips – 5 Tips That Will Change Your Way Of Dieting

When someone changes their diet, it does not always mean they are trying to lose weight.  When a person diets, they may be wanting to eat healthier, or actually GAIN weight, or even increase/decrease muscle mass.

The point is, depending on the person, dieting may take many forms.

Also, a diet doesn’t mean giving up certain foods, or only eating apples and carrots all day.  It can be a simple thing as eating at a different time of day.

So, all that being said, today I will outline a few things that can have an affect on your diet, and then you can take it any direction you would like.

1. Eggs and Bagels.  Studies show that over 200 fewer calories per day are consumed by folks who ate eggs in the morning instead of a bagel. (Saint Louis University)  This study shows that protein is more filling that carbs and therefore, one eats less the rest of the day.

2. Eat What You Like. We all know that if we don’t eat what we like, we won’t stay on that particular diet, right?  So, if you really love pasta, why not just use half the sauce as you usually do?  Why eat a double cheese burger when a single cheeseburger will do the trick? It’s not about starving yourself, it’s about making smart choices. Just keep this in mind, eat what you like, just stay within reason.

3. Sleep 8 Hours a Night.  Your body is designed to function at its best at around 8 hours of sleep a night.  Research has shown that too little or too much snoozing at night can add extra pounds. Play around with this.  Go to be a half hour earlier for about a week and see what happens.  How do you feel?  Then reverse it, go to be a half hour later.  A good night’s rest can also make you more productive the next day.  Just a thought.

4. Do Your Workouts BEFORE Lunch or Dinner. It’s no secret that after a good workout you should be some nutritious food or beverage in your system.  Why not combine a regular meal with a “workout refueling” meal?  Makes sense, right?  Also, because of just working out, you’re more aware of what you are putting in your body, so you’ll be more conscious of a good nutritious meal.

5. Be Extra Proper at the Table. When we’re at the table, we don’t always worry about manners and etiquette.  Chewing with your mouth closed and cutting up your food is almost a lost art.  Doing this makes you more aware of your table surroundings.  Make it a point to be as proper as possible.  This isn’t only good for your diet, but for social interaction as well.