Sure, you can get some benefits by using machines at your local health club. But total-body “functional” exercises (like squats, push-ups, and bodyweight rows) are even better. And resistance training doesn’t mean barbell bench pressing with heavy weights. You can use dumbbell free weights or a variety of creative bodyweight exercises at home.
An extra benefit of bodyweight or free-weight exercises is that they give you the ability to complete a total-body workout in less time. For example, if you do a bodyweight or dumbbell squat, you will replace the need for the leg extension and leg curl machines in a health club. Push-ups or dumbbell chest presses replace the chest fly and triceps extension machines. And chin-ups replace the need for machine-aided pulldowns and biceps curls.
In three or four “functional” moves, you can complete a total-body workout. Do each exercise two to three times for 8 to 12 repetitions per set. Rest one minute between sets. You can do your exercises in a circuit (all exercises done back to back without rest) or in supersets (two exercises done back to back without rest) to cut even more time from your workout. Aim for three total-body strength-training workouts per week.
Total body workouts are where its at.
Commercial Gym Example:
Seated Row
Bench press or DB Chest Press
DB Split Squat
That’s a thorough workout, and you’ll be sweating up a storm and your heart rate will be up – but that only matters for people that are addicted to the sweat and increased heart rate of cardio. What really matters is the turbulence put on the muscle and the increased metabolism and muscle growth that happens outside of the gym
Do the work in the gym, and burn the fat during recovery,