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How to Start Running for Fitness Safely

A common theme among newer runners is the discomfort or pain that they feel when starting to run. A lot of very fit people actually are surprised by the difficulty running places on their bodies. People notice that their lower body will tend to give up even after running for just a few minutes.

This article will shed some light into how to make your first running session more comfortable. The tips below should help those who have yet to run for fitness and those wanting to go back to running after a break.

The mandatory rule for running is to walk first. Just like a baby having to surmount the challenges of crawling to be able to walk, so it is for newbie runners to walk before they run. It may seem absurd for a normal healthy person to prepare themselves for running by walking. Walking for fitness is so much different than walking about in your daily life.

First try to walk briskly for 30 minutes at a time. Try to increase your pace but so much that you begin to feel uncomfortable. Take note that this should not be a leisurely pace nor should it be a jog. Doing this daily for half a month to a month will prepare your body for the increased stress of actual running.

After your initial month of brisk walking you should be a lot more prepared to run. Your tendons will have strengthened and your muscles will be more flexible. The next step you should is to slowly speed up your brisk walking to running. A good example would be to walk for 30 seconds and run for 30. Basically you work your way up. You might not be able to run for 30 seconds straight at the start. Just run as long as you comfortably can and slow down to a walk. After you’ve caught your breath repeat the cycle. This method has been proven to minimize muscle injuries and a joint saver.

When you are able to run for a few minutes at a time then you can set down goals. Newer runners should be careful not to make distance goals. For example a lot of runners will want to participate in 3K or 5K stuff to test their times. But runners who just have a few months worth of experience should not fall into this trap. The human body needs a lot of time to adapt in order to be pushed to the limit.

So what a runner should do instead is to have a “time mindset.” Running for 10 minutes, 20 minutes to 30 minutes at a time are good “milestones” and are recommended instead of distance over time goals. This way, runners are focused on conditioning rather than performance. Performance is great but is usually reserved for more experienced and competitive runners.

Another great way to continue the habit of running is to run three times a week. This ensures that you get enough rest and avoid burning out. Also running more than that may lead premature injuries. Consistency is the largest requisite for success in running. Pacing yourself conservatively allows you to grow into the love of running. Never push yourself until you are ready.

If you have been reading this you might think that it takes a while for your body to adapt to running. Or you may be discouraged that you can’t run marathons with just a month or two of training under your belt. What this article encourages is the safety of the runner. Even experienced athletes coming from under sports need to ease themselves into running.

With all of that said, you may want an answer as to when you can actually feel the effects of running. The good news is that if you do the things mentioned above and are in good health running can change your life almost immediately.

In less than a month your body can adapt to the demands running places on it. The key to running is to give your body time to adapt and to balance that out with the goals which you want to achieve. By following the advice written here you should easily be able to start running easily.