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Back to Basics – Women’s Cardio Training

Women’s cardio training basics are an essential element of enjoying better health when combined with a healthy diet. It is possible to lose weight quickly and easily if you are able to devote 30 minutes per day to your exercise routine, along with one 30 minute session of hard strength training per week. Women’s cardio basics are easier to include if you participate in group classes or you include a daily jog around the neighborhood, but proper nutrition is essential, with a healthy eating plan.

You might be new to women’s cardio basics and even those that are familiar with cardio training benefits might need a refresher course:

· Cardio activities include walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing and aerobics might be the most popular. Women’s cardio training basics include the progressive build-up to a target heart rate and then a gradual cool-down period.

· You should gradually increase your activity levels and always consider your fitness levels. In other words, you should not start out with too aggressive a routine, when you just starting out, to avoid adverse effects. Or as I like to say “make haste slowly”

· When you consider the exertion scale for women’s cardio training basics, a moderate level allows you to talk, while working out. As you increase the intensity, you can decrease the frequency and reps, much like strength training.

· Cardio strengthens your heart and lungs, but it also helps you lose weight because it is a full-body workout, even though it focuses on your heart rate. Pushing your muscles to the most difficult levels, but not exceeding your physical capabilities is advised, for best results to increase your endurance gradually.

· As a general guideline, you can work out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week, on a moderate level or you might undertake a vigorous cardio routine of 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week. There are some people that are focusing on losing weight, so they might have longer periods of cardio training daily, but it might be split between two different daily sessions.

· Don’t forget that you can balance your women’s cardio training program by implementing 30 minutes per week of strength training for women. This is a form of interval training, giving your body a different workout and working different muscle groups.

· Consider sprinting as a good form of interval training, but consider jogging a form of cardio training. You might have better results with short, powerful bursts of energy expenditures and a quick cool-down period, in between.