Strength training and endurance training are the terms that continue to perplex fitness conscious people. The reason being they cannot differentiate between both. As a matter of fact, both the terms mean the same. It is very important to understand the concept of strength or endurance training before commencing the training procedures. It is good to be fit and have an active life. But being fit is not everything that one wants to achieve. A well shaped or toned body is the dream of many who love their bodies. Professional like athletes and dancers go for rigorous training for strength in order to improve their performance. It is important for them to perform various postures and have enough stamina to continue with the rigorous routine of their career. They need a body that is lean and fit. A bulky body is something that all fitness conscious people dread. It is their worst nightmare to wake up in the morning with a body that is double their size.
Training for strength, as the name suggest is to enhance the strength of the body to endure long working hours. You have to find out yourself the exercises which will help you in achieving a lean and fit body. Initially, the task seems difficult but with the implication of simple strategies everything can be achieved. You can try out these helpful strategies that will help you gain more benefits from your workout sessions.
High Intensity- No matter how you work out and how much energy you are utilizing in the exercise you have give yourself enough time to rest and relax. After performing high intensity exercise or activity allow your body to rest sufficiently. The best way for strength training is to perform high intensity exercise in a short duration.
Frequency of the training- You have to maintain proper frequency of exercise and rest. It is seen that after a high intensity session the muscles gets tired. Thus by allowing the time for repairing the muscles you are reaping the benefits by building the muscles. If you start training for strength properly then you can see visible results within the first 7 days itself.
Time Your Exercise- Since this type of training involves high intensity exercises it is not possible to work out at a stretch for more than 20 minutes. Your glucose levels may crash and you may run out of energy. Compound movements are the best if you want to use maximum amount of energy. Even if you can handle more than 3 high energy exercise you must take a day’s rest to maximize the effect.
Sets- You may perform a set of exercise and still have energy for more. This means your sets of exercise are not correct. For endurance training you need to have high intensity workout sets that will leave you exhausted. This is the key to success. Choose just one set of exercise but that should be powerful enough. A lean and fit body is not everything you want but you need to have some muscles to endure the rigorous routine.