There are many diverse workouts linked to CrossFit. Each exercise requires different equipment such as barbells, dumbbells and a few others. Before you are planning to engage in the weighted workout, make sure that your trainer is certified and experienced. He should know how making use of different types of equipment in different CrossFit workouts. Generally, when you start with these workouts, it is important to start with the basic. It should be started from light weight to exercise with good mechanics. There are proper tactics of carrying out these workouts that help in avoiding injuries and improvements. In all kinds of exercises, your body has to be placed and moved in an accurate way to get benefit from the exercises. Here are a few of the CrossFit exercises:
• Body weight exercises
The body weight exercises of CrossFit include
1. Air squat
2. Burpee
3. Handstand Pushup
4. Knees to elbow
5. L-Sit
6. Lunge
7. Pull-up
8. Sit-up
9. Toes to Bar
All these exercises are planned for getting a right body weight. No matter if you are planning to gain weight or want to lose some extra kilos, these exercises are beneficial. Your fitness instructor will tell you precisely about the type of exercise beneficial for you.
• Barbell Exercises
These kinds of exercises are also very beneficial to get a good body shape. These include
1. Clean includes clean and Jerk, Squat clean, Hang clean, power clean, and hang power clean
2. Press includes Shoulder press, push press and push jerk
3. Squat includes back squat, frong squat and overhead squat
4. Snatch includes power snatch, hang snatch and hang power snatch
5. Thrusters include barbell in clean position, squat down and lift up into a shoulder press
6. Dead lift and Sumo dead lift high pull
• Other exercises
Apart from all these above mentioned exercises, the other basic CrossFit Exercises are –
1. Box Jump
2. Double Unders
3. Muscle-up
4. Ring-dips
5. Wall Ball Shots
6. Kettle bell Swing
However, when looking for the most effective website, it is crucial to get the services of an expert fitness trainer who hold all the knowledge about CrossFit workouts. Also, he will tell you about the precise equipment catering to your needs. You can check the price of equipment from different online store and after getting satisfactory results, only then order them online. Also, look for the online store that offers free shipping, easy return policy and customer service to avoid any kind of hassle.