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Stretching Exercises and Their Great Benefits

Most people are unaware that stretching has many great benefits. Whether you are doing weight lifting exercises for building up and strengthening muscles or cardio exercises to increase stamina and to slim down, it is common knowledge most people do not do sufficient stretching exercises prior and after their exercise program. What’s even worse, a lot of individuals don’t even stretch at all. One of the great thing about stretching is that it can be done anywhere and anytime by anybody at whatever age except for those having a physical restriction.

Stretching before and after any exercise routine is a key component of any fitness program. Stretching before the routine warms up the body protecting it from accidents and injuries. Besides, they increase joint and muscle flexibility creating a better workout. During the warm-up session, stretches ought to be held between 15 to 30 seconds.Stretching after an exercise routine alleviates muscle tightness, betters flexibility and cools off the body. After a workout, the body will be able to stretch even further than it did before the exercise routine. During the cool-down session, stretches ought to be held between 30 seconds to one minute. Flexibility increases the most during these lengthier stretches exercises. Here are some of the many benefits of stretching exercises:

  • They are calming and relaxing
  • They provide a sense of peace and well-being
  • They lengthen the muscles thus giving their fibers a greater range of motion when lifting weights
  • They help to prevent accidents and injuries
  • They reduce muscle soreness after intensive workouts
  • They improve flexibility and elasticity
  • They increase the blood flow and circulation
  • They help with the balance and coordination
  • They improve the range of motion
  • They improve the posture
  • They reduce stress

Stretching both before and after your fitness program is very important in maintaining a healthy body. Stretching at other times of the day is a great method to loosen up, decompress and reduce stress.

Make sure to include stretching exercises in your daily routine for peak fitness.