3 Healthy Chocolate Snacks

Do between meal snacks have you heading for the vending machine and threatening to undo your healthy eating and exercising regime? Let’s face it, time is limited when you are a busy mom, working or not, time is precious and limited and snacks on the go are often the only way to get any nutrition.

For most of us, quick, easy, and chocolate make for the perfect quick snack, but are not so kind to the waistline, nor do they fit into the diet. There is a compromise and here are 3 great snack ideas that fit the bill. Quick and easy, portable, chocolate, and healthy. They are the perfect snack!

Fiber Filled:

Who doesn’t love a good smoothie? Problem is, they are a pain to make, the combination of ingredients, firing up the blender, and storing it for on the go ease. The solution? Try Lightfull Satiety Smoothies. An 11 ounce shake with 6 grams of protein and fiber in a super creamy chocolate fudge flavor. The best part being because they are processed at ultra high temperatures, refrigeration is optional.

Protein Crunch:

There is nothing easier than a quick snack bar to hit the spot and at 150 calories and a coating of chocolate over peanuts or almonds, the Kellogs Sweet and Salty Bar is the perfect on the go snack.

Vitamin Packed:

It may look tiny, but at 120 calories and packed with 15 vitamins and minerals and 25% of your daily calcium requirement, the Slim Fast Optima Rich Chewy Caramel Snack Bar fills satisfies your growling stomach.

No excuses for reaching for the candy bar or chips now. Stock up on these healthy, tasty snacks for a quick and easy on the go snack.