Running to Burn Stomach Fat

One of the best ways to lose belly flab is to do cardio workouts. Cardio is not only a massive fat burner but is also very healthy for you. However, not all cardio workouts are equal. Some are more effective than others. My all time favorite is running.

Running to burn stomach fat

I like running and recommend it to anyone (who doesn’t suffer from knee of back problems) because it is a highly intensive cardio workout and can help you burn a lot of fat. Running incorporates practically every muscle group in your body into the motion and so provides an all body workout as well as an aerobic one.

I also love running because it can be done anywhere, whether at home or in the gym on a treadmill or outdoors, in a nearby park or even on the street.

Here are some tips for better running

1. Run on a soft platform – You can run in the street but your knees will suffer a bigger shock from the hard surface of the tarmac. Try running on grass or on packed soil if you’re running outdoors.

2. If you’re running on a treadmill choose a wide one to reduce chances of slipping and take all the necessary precautions. Falling off a moving treadmill can be painful. It has happened to me. Twice!

3. Invest some money in good running shoes to reduce the shock to your knees and to protect your feet.

4. To burn the most tummy fat, make sure to change your pace during the run. This is called interval running and helps you to push your body further and burn more fat in a short time.

Other than that, I recommend running with music to help you pass the time better. Make sure to make each workout count and you will see results.