Abs Workout – Which Exercises Are IMPORTANT?

For those that wish to work out their abs, variation in exercises is extremely important as it completes the complete workout for the abs. Just sticking to abs isn’t the solutions, but crunches, and oblique exercises must be included as well.

If you wish to have a clearly defined abs or even a six pack abs, then it is important that you have a sensible abs workout. The abdominal muscle consists:

  • Tranverse Abdominus
  • Rectus Abdominus
  • Internal Oblique
  • External Oblique

All of these need to be exercised well in order to achieve the toned look that you want. When you have a great abs, it not only looks great but also improves the posture that you have.

The abs will only show when the body has a healthy weight to fat ratio. If there is an inch of fat, then the abs don’t show through. Therefore the body would need to shed all the excess fat before the muscles can be seen.

The abs workout should include these exercises along with some cardiovascular exercises. It is also important to eat healthy and take adequate amount of rest as well. Supplements will provide nutrition; however, you will still need to do the abs workout.

  • Sit-ups

Sit ups are an important part of the workout, but those are not all the exercises. You would also need to do crunches. 2-3 sets of crunches that include 15-20 repetitions each should be included in the abs workout. These crunches can be done on the floor, on a bench or can be done using the physio ball as well. An advanced version of the crunches can be performed by resting the weights on the chest.

  • Reverse crunches

Reverse crunches should also be included in the workout as well.

  • Twisting Exercises

The oblique exercises that impact the left and the right obliques should also be included as well. The best exercise for the obliques is the twisting exercises. These can be done on the floor.

Remember that a variation of exercises done in the abs workout will help you to get the abs that you want rather than mindless repetition of a single exercise.

The correct abs workout helps people in achieving a toned and a six pack abs as well.