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Basic Running Tips for Beginner Runners

People run for different reasons, but most of them want to improve their running as much as they can, because one would be able to achieve their goal much faster if their overall performance also improves. It may sound hard, but improving your running only involves remembering a number of tips:

1- Invest in good running equipment:

Before beginning running, one must invest in the right type of running gear. A good gear allows the runner to perform well without risking comfort. Running shoes are top priority, because your feet will be the one’s you’ll be using the most. As for clothes, choose the ones that fit right and are made of material which is neither too thin nor too tight. Choose socks made for running, not cotton ones, because they’ll only cause blisters on your feet. Sports bras for women and spandex shorts for men are also needed by their bodies for support.

2- Plan a good running workout:

Carefully plan a good workout and set a certain goal for each stage in the plan. Set weekly goals, and make sure you stick to your plans. You can add special exercises and training workouts if you plan to run to improve your speed, endurance and so on.

3- Practice warm ups and cool downs:

Stretches are a must before and after a running workout. Warm ups prevent muscle stiffness, help increase body temperature and regulate your breathing, so you’ll be able to run more properly. They also help reduce the chances of getting injuries, such as sprains, strains and muscle cramps. Cool downs, on the other hand, help decrease the body’s temperature and remove the waste products made from working your muscles. Spend 15-20 minutes of warm-ups and cool downs before and after every running exercise, consecutively.

4- Find your proper running form:

Running with improper form can cause injuries to your body. When running, remember to keep your arms at waist level and maintain a good posture, with relaxed hands and shoulders. Avoid bouncing on your feet to reduce pressure on your knees and joints.

5- Improve your running performance:

Once you’ve got your form right, improve your running by doing harder workouts. Remember to increase the hardness gradually, and never overwork yourself. Don’t do too much too soon, and be patient with your running. If you’re able to build a stronger endurance and foundation, you’ll find it much easier to improve your running and power later on.

6- Keep yourself motivated:

Running needs a lot of patience, and it is very important to keep yourself well motivated, for you to be able to perform better. A lot of runners never get to finish their workout plan, because they lose their motivation and decide to quit altogether. There are a lot of ways to be motivated, such as finding a running partner, joining a running group and signing up for races. Don’t be discouraged if you see little or no improvement and avoid comparing yourself to other runners.

7- Don’t forget to stay healthy:

Never neglect proper eating and sleeping habits during your running exercises. Pack up on healthy fruits and vegetables, and get an adequate amount of sleep. This will help you stay healthier and fitter, and you’ll be able to run more properly as well.