Amazing Abs Workout

Have you been doing a thousand sit ups a day without results? Do you want a work out that will give you amazing abs? Well, prepare to be surprised. The reason most people don’t get amazing abs from doing ab exercises is because you can’t spot reduce fat. To get amazing abs you need to reduce your over all body fat percentage to under 10% for a man and 16% for a woman.

So how do I go about getting amazing abs?

Well, this may come as a further surprise but we are not going to work your abs at all. First we are going to build muscle because the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Just as you can’t spot reduce fat it is not recommended to do exercises that focus on individual muscle groups. You want to do exercises like dead lifts and squats, bench press and clean and jerk that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These types of exercises do two things at the same time they inadvertently tone and strengthen your core torso muscles (abs) and increase your rate of metabolism causing you to burn more fat even when you are not working out.

The next thing you will want to do is develop a cardio routine to burn even more fat. However, you don’t want to just run mile after mindless mile. You also want to include sprints. This is because sprints also serve to increase your resting metabolism rate so that you will burn more calories when you run longer distances as well as when you are resting.