A Six Pack Abs Workout

The six pack… a dream of many. Yet not everyone can attain it. Getting a six pack is not a simple goal, one must start the journey with determination, knowing that it will be a long-term goal and a great one. Making a working six pack abs workout is an essential part of getting to that goal.

From the beginning, right before starting any type of exercises, you must be aware that if you keep eating the wrong way, you’ll end up nowhere. You have to eat healthy, food that gives you strength and that doesn’t add up extra weight on your body. Your results will come much faster and you won’t feel like you can’t reach your six pack abs goal.

A Simple Six Pack Abs Workout

The first thing in your abs workout must be some type of cardio. You have plenty of choices here. Some prefer swimming, some running, some jumping. Other might want to enroll into aerobics classes or use a DVD to workout at home. The choice is yours.

Now it is time to work the muscles, starting with the inner ones. I recommend doing isometric exercises like the plank. These exercises don’t require movement rather holding a position. Don’t think this is easy, holding the position requires strength in your mid-section. Other exercises you can try are tucking in your stomach and lateral planks.

It’s time to work your lower stomach. Your lower stomach is mostly worked by leg lifts. One of the top exercises is raising your legs while holding on a bar. You can gradually increase the intensity of your stomach workouts, be sure not to over train.

Then we move on to the sides. This is an area mostly overlooked by amateurs and people who love doing their own routines, however it is very important to give shape to your midsection. Try doing side lifts and twists.

Have you noticed that I didn’t mention crunches? Yes, you can do crunches, but they have less effect than worrying about your other areas. At the end you’ll have a nice toned stomach, that along with a good nutrition will let the six pack show. You can find lots of exercises online. Although if you will do things by your own, it is better to read a book or look at a video. Good luck!