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3 Women’s Inner Thigh Stretching Exercises

Sexy legs do not necessarily have to be tall and skinny. Firm and strong legs that can tolerate long hours of standing position are sexy as well. Athletes have strong legs because of dedicated and consistent leg strengthening exercises. Stop envying those with well-shaped and defined legs and get up for a fitness program that allows your legs to stretch and shape up.

To have great legs, one must focus on exercising that specifically trains the inner, outer, front and rear thighs. For sure, it’s among the fitness goals of leg-conscious populace. These 3 women’s inner thigh stretching exercises can help you find your way towards having firmer, sexier and stronger thighs.

1.Seated Split Stretch: In this exercise, you need to sit down on the floor covered with fitness mat. Spread your legs as far as possible as if you’re doing the gymnast’s split position. Incline your body to reach the right side for you to be able to touch your right toes or ankle. Hold it right there for 20 to 30 seconds before repeating your succeeding repetitions.

2.Seated Butterfly. This doesn’t mean you have to fly like a butterfly. Still you have to sit on a fitness mat with your back stretched. Bring your feet’s soles together and grab them in as close to your body as possible. Your hands are supposed to settle on our feet to rest and to apply mild tension to your thighs. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Men and women find this to be effective only if you push you r knees down mildly, not abruptly. It’s a must that you carefully push them to avoid strain or injury.

3.Lying Leg Pull. Although this is intended for a total thigh exercise, this still works on your inner thighs. Lie on your back on the floor that’s covered by a fitness mat. Your knees should be held lightly in the air and feet held flat on the floor. Bring your right heel to settle on top of your left thigh. Your hands can loop around your left thigh and pull it toward your chest. Hold on to this pose for 20 to 30 seconds before shifting to the other side and doing repetitions that you can handle.

These inner thigh stretching exercises do not just merely stretch your thigh muscles but also increase their tolerance level. Sexy legs are attributed by firm thighs that launch a shapely side of you. If feet and legs are for walking, your thighs are made to handle beyond that. They’re designed to be flaunted rather than hidden for the rest of your life. After all, it’s not hard to firm your thighs. You only have to combine the routines that are truly effective.