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  • 4 Big Benefits to Kettlebell Exercise and Training!

4 Big Benefits to Kettlebell Exercise and Training!

By now you may be familiar with the Russian kettlebell and understand that this ancient device is very effective for a lot of things. The question that this article is designed to answer for you is specifically what things it is advantageous for! Read on to learn if you want to rebuild your body into a fitness work of art.

1. Cardiovascular Fitness: Thats right, kettlebell training is superior in helping you to achieve mind blowing cardiovascular conditioning! You see this type of training is “movement specific” and not “body part specific.” Because of this when you implement even the most basic movements you stand to exert yourself and elevate your heart rate quicker than anything. This is an awesome cardio workout my friend.

2. Joint Integrity And Mobility: You see the thing that makes the kettlebell interesting is that it’s design is spherical. Just because the bell looks odd doesn’t mean that it’s design is there without purpose. You see because of the design the kettlebell is always “pulling away” from your center of gravity. By doing this it really helps when pressing and pulling the bell through certain lifts. This is what naturally and more easily allows you to increase the mobility in your joints. To give you a concrete example lets look at the overhead press. If you press a dumbell overhead your body should form a straight line all the way from your wrists to your feet. However, you will notice that most people may have poor shoulder mobility and that because of this their arm may naturally angle forward instead of being completely locked out overhead. The bell easily assists with this problem because it lays over the back of your forearm using the distribution of the bell’s resistance to assist in pulling your arm back for you. This in turn enables you to more easily “lock out.”

3. Muscular Endurance: The base strength endurance lift that is performed with the kettlebell is the swing. This single lift involves the use of hundreds of your muscles at once in order to properly pull it off. By implementing this strength endurance lift along with other dynamic kettlebell lifts you stand to develop superior muscular endurance. Your body can be better conditioned to perform any physical task for an impressive duration. Kettlebell training exercises can be highly effective in mimicking the demands of most an endurance task that you can put before yourself.

4. Muscular Strength The great thing about kettlebell training is that it can catered to achieve anything just like most any other form of strength training, only better. Just by getting good at handling the iron cannonball in an effective kettlebell workout plan you will notice that your body will become way more prepared to handle ANY physical tasks. By implementing effective training with the kettlebebell you are able to either be a better cyclist or you can be a better football player! The training will get you the muscular strength you desire. If power is your goal then power can be obtained with the use of kettlebells my friend. If you haven’t taken the time to implement this style of training into your own fitness and strength program then get started. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.