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Endurance Fitness Training – The Advantages of Running

Running is a common form of endurance training. This article outlines the benefits of choosing running over other forms of aerobic exercise.

There are many different types of effective aerobic exercise to choose from but running is the simplest. Rowing and cycling are also good cardiovascular workouts but they require equipment that can be costly and difficult to locate. Running doesn’t cost anything, it’s always available, no equipment is required and it can be done anywhere. This gives it many advantages over other types of fitness training.

It is a good idea to start off a running programme at a gentle pace and not to overdo it, especially if you have not run for a while. Your legs will need time to adjust so start out running short distances and gradually increase the amount of time you run along with the distance.

You will also benefit from a good pair of trainers or sneakers that have been specifically designed with running in mind. Running can take its toll on your feet and legs if they are not given enough support. Running shoes will help protect you from blisters, strains and unnecessary injury.

Running helps to lower the risk of heart disease. It gives your heart a good workout and keeps it healthy

If you wish to lose weight, running can be a great way to burn of calories that have built up due to over eating and a lack of exercise. Your stamina will improve and you will feel less tired. You will be able to sleep better and deal with stress more effectively. The tendons, ligaments and muscles in the lower body will be strengthened.