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Treadmill Exercise – Walking-Running on Treadmills For Weight Loss

Beginners usually wonder how long they should walk on the treadmill when starting an exercise program. The time you walk/run should be based on your health and fitness conditions your goals. Most health professionals and exercise experts recommend that people try to walk 30 to 60 minutes at a pace that will bring their heart rates up to 50 to 70 percent of their maximum heart rate.

To calculate your maximum heart rate, simply take 220 minus your age. For example, If you are 40 years old, your maximum heart rate would be approximately 180. Fifty to seventy percent of that would be 85-123 beats per minute. For an effective workout keep your heart rate between 85-123 if you are 40. Adjust this number depending on your age. .

Eventually the walking/running program becomes less challenging. This is a good sign because if means your body is adjusting and improving. At this point you should make sure you push yourself to provide the body with a new challenge. If you are currently walking at 3.5 mph, start walking faster or jog at 4.0 mph. This type of change will help your body overcome plateaus. Plateaus can lead to frustrations and causing individuals to give up on their workout routine. To avoid frustration, make sure you are challanging your body by making constant changes to your routine.

Regardless of age or your conditioning level it’s never too late to start a treadmill workout. Treadmills have become cheaper and with more features. A good treadmill can monitor your walking speed, length, calories burned, your heart rate and more. Because the treadmill is used inside bad weather does not affect your workout.