Home Abs Workout

Workouts at home have become very popular due to its convenience and busy schedules of people. When it comes to body shaping or fitness, what everyone wants the most is a flat stomach or six pack abs. No doubt they look great for the beach, but stronger abs also gives support to your spine.

Adopting a home abs workout routine requires that you adopt certain basic abs exercises into your routine. Listed in this article are a few of them.

1. Basic Crunches. Lying down on the floor with knees bent, place hands behind your head. Taking a deep breath, lift up your shoulders. The strain should be felt on the abs and never the neck. Go back to the lying position while exhaling. Initially do 50-55 reps and gradually increase.

2. Roman Crunch. Lie down in the same position as the basic crunch. Raise your shoulders and as you do so, lift up the right knee. Go back to starting position. Repeat it with the left knee.

3. Straight Impact. For this, while lying down, you have to keep your knees straight. Lift up your shoulders, while putting the strain on the abs. This is good for the lower abs.

4. Bicycle Crunches. This is the best and most effective home abs workout. Lie on your back with hips bent at 90 degrees and hands behind your head. Curling your body forward, bring your right knee to your left elbow and extend the right leg out. While keeping the shoulders off the floor, keep alternating from left to right, bringing the opposite knees and elbows together.

Always remember to breathe in and breathe out throughout all the exercises.